Butch Cassidy (played by Paul Newman), The Sundance Kid (played by Robert Redford) - leaders of the famous Hole in the Wall Gang - and Etta Place (who was Sundance's lover, played by Katharine Ross) in this classic shot from Lawrence Schiller. This was the top grossing film of 1969, with box-office receipts over $100 million.
Release Notes:
Each of Lawrence Schiller's fine art photographs are available as signed, limited editions in several sizes ranging from 16 x 20 inches to 40 x 60 inches (sheet size). Each museum-quality archival photograph is hand-numbered and signed by the artist.
Some of Schiller's photographs are also available as signed, limited edition dye sublimation prints on metal. Please contact us with any questions!
Collector's Notes:
Lawrence Schiller's photographs are printed to order in New York, please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
Buyers will receive a certificate of authenticity following delivery.