Believe Media Company Logo (Circle)
© StormStudios

Believe Media Company Logo (Circle)

By Storm Thorgerson
About the image
Storm Thorgerson designed this image for Believe Media, a commercial company in Los Angeles.

Image courtesy of Believe Media. Photography by StormStudios. 

"You could ask, do you believe in...fairies for example, or in aliens, or in ghosts, or in levitation, or in out of body experiences, or even mermaids. By representing such questionable items as photographs along with an instruction to believe added a further dimension, hopefully of irony, i.e. are aliens and fairies, real objects or merely objects of belief. Obviously, they are real otherwise we couldn’t photograph them - the camera never lies, as they say in LA, and they should know ha ha la la.” - Storm Thorgerson 

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Believe Media Company Logo (Circle)
Believe Media Company Logo (Circle)

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