The Mars Volta, Deloused in the Comatorium Back Cover (Jellyhead), 2003
By Storm Thorgerson
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“Their album, Deloused in the Comatorium is a collection of songs detailing the tragic history of a friend of theirs from school days in El Paso and Juarez, Mexican border towns. This much admired friend lapsed into a coma and drifted in and out of consciousness, alternately surfacing into the daylight of a shared reality or sinking into the murky waters of his own mind, populated by artistic demons intent on dragging him down. Our jellyfish/jellyhead, floating at the water’s surface, seemed a suitable rendition, looking in part like a Portugese Man-Of-War but also half human, half nasty tentacles, making its poisonous way across the sea of consciousness. A nightmarish vision like the nightmares they imagined their friend had to endure while lapsing into coma.”
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The Mars Volta, Deloused in the Comatorium Back Cover (Jellyhead), 2003