The Wife’s Shadow Looms Large Over A Terrified Pink, 1981
© Gerald Scarfe

The Wife’s Shadow Looms Large Over A Terrified Pink, 1981

By Gerald Scarfe
About the image
Some of the most harrowing sequences of The Wall involved the central character, Pink, a rock star portrayed by Bob Geldof, becoming isolated, disturbed and alienated from the outside world. This image epitomises the increasingly dysfunctional relationship between ‘Pink’ and his Wife.

This illustration imagined the scene where Pink is hallucinating in his hotel room. He imagines he sees his wife in the room and her shadow on the wall becomes a monstrous beast.

Artwork Notes:
"When we were trying to interest MGM, and various investors, I designed a luxurious "Black Book" with a number of paintings and text by Roger Waters. These paintings were later used by Alan Parker and the set designer to give "my look", as Parker called it, to the film."

Exhibition Notes:
The Art of Gerald Scarfe From Pink Floyd The Wall, July 2017, San Francisco Art Exchange LLC.

Collector's Notes:
PLEASE NOTE: Gerald Scarfe retains all copyright and reproduction rights for this image.

Watercolour, Gouache & Ink on Paper
23 1⁄2” x 33” Paper size - SOLD

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The Wife’s Shadow Looms Large Over A Terrified Pink, 1981
The Wife’s Shadow Looms Large Over A Terrified Pink, 1981

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