Graphica Obscura, Norway Exhibition Poster (Circle), 2002
© StormStudios

Graphica Obscura, Norway Exhibition Poster (Circle), 2002

By Storm Thorgerson
About the image
A poster design for a 2002 exhibition of Storm Thorgerson's work in Norway.  Photography by StormStudios.

“These wrap around hands were an idea, I think, from slimline Finn our resident black frocked artiste, who had a fondness for Arabian visuals, and I suspect this idea was some mad turban, a turban of hands, whereas I always saw it as a deranged variation of the way women wrap towels round their heads after bathing - a towel of hands. Either way what you get is what you see, no trickery here (well, just a touch) though the man under the wrapping hands sees very little. This image was used ironically to advertise an exhibition of our photographic work held in my father’s home town of Drammen in Norway.

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Graphica Obscura, Norway Exhibition Poster (Circle), 2002
Graphica Obscura, Norway Exhibition Poster (Circle), 2002

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